Some of you may have seen on my instagram recently I’ve posted about supplements to take when TTC (try to conceive) I have had a few messages from ladies expressing their thanks for the tips as they are now successfully pregnant!!
Anyway I have been inundated with messages from all you lovely ladies and they are so many I can’t reply to each and every one so I have put it all in a blog post here for you. I’ve linked each picture for ease – I bought all mine from amazon (did I mention i’m obsessed with amazon?!)
When trying to conceive I don’t take anything like pregnacare. I take folic acid on its own this is the one I took. It’s much more cost effective buying it in this pure 400mg form than one branded as ‘trying for a baby’ because they will only give you about 30 tablets. These ones are 360 tablets and you take one a day, so that’s nearly a years supply!
I was told by a fertility doctor in America to take DHA and COQ10 when trying to conceive.
COQ10 is said to improve your egg quality so is great for older ladies and also said to increase fertilization rates. You need to take a minimum of 600mg per day. I used to take 3 tablets a day. So 900mg total per day (each tablet is 300mg each) This is the one I took.
I also took this DHA which is an omega 3 fatty acid, this is also said to improve egg quality. Here is an extract from a website about DHA: “…concluded that a lifelong consumption of a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids could prolong reproductive function into an advanced maternal age. The researchers also found that a short-term treatment of omega-3 fatty acids could help improve egg (oocyte) quality (5).” To read the full website, see here:
Anyway, I am no doctor just sharing some knowledge that helped me and seems to have helped loads of my lovely followers get pregnant. If you have been trying for over a year, please see your doctor as a few simple tests can really help!
Girl VS Boy?
People also ask me about how I managed to plan my girlies!
I used an app called Maybebaby. You input your monthly cycle and it tells you when to try for a girl. To get a girl you have to try 2-3 days BEFORE you ovulate. Girl sperm (XX) from the man are said to be slower swimmers and don’t die as quickly as their male sperm (XY) counterparts. So therefore all the male sperm swim like crazy but when there is no egg die off. The girl sperm take their time, hang around a bit and once the egg is released meet the egg and taadaa! If trying for a boy you’re meant to do the deed on your ovulation day or 2-3 days after when the egg is hanging around waiting for that special sperm! This app maybebaby tracks that and tells you when it’s time depending on your gender preference. If you don’t have a preference then just go at it like crazy!!
Men should also take olive leaf extract which is said to make more girl sperm – you can take in tablet form or liquid form diluted in water. We used these ones which were the highest potency I could find. You only need one a day!
I also bought Vitamen from Zita West for hubbie to take too. It’s an all round supplement aimed at men’s fertility. This won’t sway for a particular gender but generally improves quality & quantity I think of mens sperm. This is the one we had:
I have linked each picture to where to buy for ease. Please message me on instagram @luisazissman if you get pregnant i’ve had so many lovely messages it really makes me so happy when you guys tell me it’s worked for you!!
Have fun!
Luisa X